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How Excellent Is Your Workplace?

Answer the following questions to determine your position on the road to workplace excellence. Rate your organization on a scale of 1 (we’ve lost our way, send us a map) to 5 (we’ve arrived - our employees love to come to work!)

1. Does your organization have a well-defined vision? Does this vision include a clear mental picture of your ideal work environment? Are your employees central figures in your organizational success? Is your vision a compass for your leaders who make decisions that affect employees? Are your leaders willing to make tough decisions in the best interest of their employees?

Score ______

2. Does your strategic plan include a component focused specifically on workplace excellence? Do you have action plans that map out the steps you will take? Have you identified measurable goals that will allow you to assess your progress toward your ideal environment? Does every employee have a well-defined role to play in creating workplace excellence?

Score ______

3. Does your organization thrive during change? Do your leaders speak and act positively about changes? If asked, could leaders articulate their employees’ concerns regarding change, as well as their plan to address these concerns? Are employees invited to give input and present ideas to lead the change process? When change occurs, are employees entrusted with greater responsibility to carry out change initiatives?

Score ______

4. Are customers clamoring to do business with you? Do you have a high percentage of loyal, repeat customers, or are you always looking for new business? If asked, could employees tell you something unique about the expectations of your most valued customers? Do you measure customer satisfaction on a regular basis?

Score ______

5. Do your leaders know the thoughts and opinions of your employees? If asked, could they list what your employees perceive as your organization’s greatest strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats? Does every manager understand the challenges employees face? Does every manager have a plan in place to enhance employee productivity? Are positive changes taking place, or do employees express the same concerns year after year?

Score ______

6. Do you have a training strategy? Is it linked to your organization’s core business objectives? Do you maintain your plan even during busy periods or difficult economic times? Do all the people in your organization subscribe to the belief that they still have a lot to learn? Do leaders in your organization participate in training?

Score ______

7. Would your employees say you have their best interest at heart? Would they recommend your organization to friends as a great place to work? Do leaders in your organization take the time each day to tell employees thank you for a terrific job, or to recognize them for a gallant effort that failed? Does your reward system appropriately reward the highest achievers?

Score ______


31-35 The word is out! Your name is synonymous with workplace excellence, and everyone wants to work with your organization.

25-30 You’ve got your map out and you’re making great progress. Keep focused and stay on the road.

20-24 Time to rally the troops, reestablish your plan and recommit your efforts.

15-19 Detour ahead! Call your leaders together for a heart-to-heart. Do they support your vision or not?


Peter Barron Stark Companies

11417 West Bernardo Court
San Diego, CA 92127
(858) 451-3601


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